My Career Path
Family and Human Services
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In this career path, you will be receiving a degree in family and human services from BYU-Idaho, supported by BYU-Pathway Worldwide. This degree is anticipated to be available in Spring 2023.

Learn more about a career in family and human services

Why choose a career in family and human services?
  • Strengthen and educate marriages and families
  • Advocate for “family as the fundamental unit of society”
  • Apply skills personally and professionally
  • Synthesize research pertaining to marriage and family
What skills do I need to succeed in family and human services?
  • Communication and conflict management
  • Practical planning to improve marital and family functioning
  • Leadership qualities
  • Active listening
What types of jobs can I get in family and human services?
  • Human services
  • Case worker/manager
  • Parent educator
  • Family educator
  • Child and family advocate
  • Social and community services manager
  • Probation officer

Some areas require specific government training to get jobs in this field. As you develop your career plan, research your chosen field in the local area to make sure this degree will help you reach your goals.

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